Report Settings
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The thingable platform! puts the user's disposition of two different reports:
• Historical data report: report where the user views and exports tables with the data records received on the platform, of the devices they have permission to access.
• Consolidated data report: report similar to historical data, but the data are presented on a consolidated basis. That is, an operation is applied on the data for the period entered by the user. For example, with this report it is possible to generate tables that present the daily average of a measurement during the period. The operations available to be applied in the generation of the report are: arithmetic average, difference, sum and identification of maximum and minimum value in the period.
When accessing the History Data Report tool, the first interaction consists of filling in the input control (floating pop-up) with the desired options:
Figure 1 shows the input of the Historical Data Report. It is possible to observe three main fields, responsible for filtering the selection levels, according to the hierarchy of the business adopted by the client. The names of these fields are customizable, in case you want to change, go to cantata with Support.
In the first field we can create a separation to organize the devices into a first grouping. The selections of this cluster are used to feed the second area. In this environment are listed all available devices in the first grouping that the user is allowed to access. When selecting the devices of the second grouping, the third grouping is automatically populated with the measurements available for the selected option.
Finally, the period of interest must be chosen through the "Start Date" and "End Date" fields
The Consolidated Data Report has the same control input with the first interaction interface, however, there are some differences. Starting with the 3rd field (see Figure 2) which instead of presenting the available averages, presents the operations configured for each measurement. For example, if we have a measurement that refers to a flow sensor, the operation with the highest affinity to be configured for this measurement would be the arithmetic mean. Through the "Service Configurator" tool we can configure suggestive names for the operations, for example, the arithmetic average of the flow can be presented an "average flow of the motor pump".
Another extra field that the Consolidated Data Report brings and the "Period Division", where the user defines the calculation period, within the entire period defined a "Start Date and End Date", to the options of this field are:
• Daily
• Weekly
• Monthly
• Annual.
• All-time
For example, we can select a period between "Start Date" and "End Date" that comprises 49 days, if we choose the arithmetic average operation, and the "Period Division" as "Daily", we will have 49 lines in the report indicating the daily average of that measure. If we choose the "Period Division" as "Weekly", we will have a return of 7 lines indicating the average of that measurement within each week. If we choose the "Period Division" as "All Period", we will have a report with a single line indicating the arithmetic average in the period of 49 days.
When a report is generated, some extra options are enabled in the interface toolbar. In the figure below these options are highlighted with numbering from 1 to 4.
The option marked as "1" in the figure above indicates the ability to export and download the report in PDF, Excel, Excel paginated, CSV, DOCX, RTF, ODT, ODS, XLSX paginated, XLSX or PPTX formats.
Option "2" presents the feature that allows you to open the control input again to generate a new report.
In "3" we have the options of zoom in and zoom out. In "4" the navigation on the report pages.
So far, the main features of the reports made available have been presented. If the historical or consolidated data reports do not meet the context of your application, there is the possibility of contracting, together with thingable!, the customization or creation of a tailored report.
The following topics present the steps required to perform the default parameterization of a report.
1. Access the History Service tab within the Service Configurator tool.
2. Expand the reportFilter object.
3. Add one more object to the reportFilter array. The object must follow the hierarchical organization of the example json object attached to the end of this tutorial.
4. Parameterize the name key with a string that represents the macro business unit of interest. This string will appear in the first field of the report's input control.
5. In the internal stations array, add an object for each device registered on the platform that you want to be available in the report.
6. For each object added in the previous item, parameterize the name key with a string that represents the device. In device put an integer that represents the device ID. This ID can be consulted in the Scada Database tool, so select the device of interest and observe the tags assigned to it. The device ID is the number at the beginning of each tag. For example, if a device has a tag named 9999_AI1, the ID of that device is 9999. Objects added in this step will be visible in the second report input control field.
7. In the internal variables array, add an object for each measurement available on the device, which you want to be available in the report.
8. For each object added in the previous item, parameterize the tag key with tag referring to the measure of interest. The tag can be consulted in the Scada Database tool. In the alias key add a string that represents the measure. Objects added in this step will be visible in the report's third input control field.
9. Optionally, if you want to use the consolidated data report, you need to add extra keys for each variable array object. The available keys are in table 1. Not using any implies not providing the calculations in table 1 in the measurement in question. Adding one or more implies enabling these calculations for the measurement. It is worth remembering that more than one calculation can be used at the same time for each measurement. Add a string for each operation key in order to name them with more intuitive titles.
10. For each object in the variables array, add an integer in the decimalPlace key to indicate the desired decimal precision for the measurement to be viewed in the report.
The figure below shows the parameterized hierarchy in the input, when following the previous steps.
To better explain Figure 4, let's imagine a situation where we have two loT plants, with sensors measuring temperature and water consumption in two apartments of a condominium. The first level of our input control could be named "Condomínio Alvorada". The stations could be named as "Apartment 101" and "Apartment 102". The variables of each plant could receive the alias "Office temperature" and "Apartment hydrometer". For the temperature measurement we could parameterize the avg_alias as' 'Average Temperature' 'and max_alias as' 'Maximum Temperature Recorded". For the average water consumption to be able to parameterize the total_alias as "Water Consumption".
Média aritmética do período
Valor máximo do período
Valor mínimo do período
Soma de todos valores do período
Diferença entre o primeiro e último valor do período
Table 1: Operation Enabling Keys for Consolidated Data Report
Author: Angelo Guimarães